21-day Yoga Immersion, June 7-27, 2021

Sarvangasana (shoulder stand)
Sarvangasana (shoulder stand)

I am pleased to announce the next 21-day Yoga Immersion program. The past programs have been very well received by all the participants. For most of them, it has been truly a life-transforming experience. I invite you to join me on this exciting and deeply rewarding 21-day yoga journey.

No prior asana, pranayama or meditation experience is required.

I will be offering this class via live video streaming using the Zoom platform. However, you are welcome to join the class in person at my home yoga studio.

Get full details here…

Here is what the previous participants have to say…

“Absolutely wonderful! I didn’t want it to end! :)…”
– Kristen Daniels

“… I was suffering from lower back pain and anal fissure for a year and half. After taking this 21-day challenge (with sattvic food) program, I completely got relief from the pain…”

– Sujatha Muthuswamy

Read all the comments here…

Daily Practice will include:

Consider these benefits…

With a daily, uninterrupted and committed yoga practice for 21 days, you will reap these (any many more…) benefits:

At the end of the 21 days you will feel like a new person, a fully transformed person – with more energy and vitality, better and more efficient breathing, a clearer and calmer mind and a change in your attitude toward life, behavior pattern, and with positive emotions and so on.

If you have never practiced yoga before, this yoga challenge will provide just the right platform to get introduced to all aspects of yoga.

If you are a seasoned practitioner, this course will give you a new perspective on yoga and life.  It will be of immense value  to you if you have practiced yoga before but due to lack of self-motivation and discipline are unable to maintain a regular practice. This course will act like a ‘booster shot’ for your ailing practice. You just have to take that initial bold step and sign up so you can make use of this excellent opportunity.

Please share this message with your own distribution lists so more people are aware of the program and can benefit by joining it.