Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation)

To listen to a beautiful rendition of all the Surya Namaskar mantras, please click the play button

For step-by-step instructions, list of benefits and contraindications, pliease visitmy blog here.

A detailed description of the mantras and their significance is available here (pdf file).

Surya Namaskara

1Exhale – Palms in the prayer positionOm mitraya namahaAnahata (heart)
2Inhale – Stretch the arms out, up and backOm ravaye namahaVishuddhi (throat)
3Exhale – bending forward from the hipsOm Suryaye NamahaSwadisthana (pelvic)
4Inhale – left leg all the way back, looking upOm Bhanave NamahaAjna (third eye)
5Exhale – right leg back (downward facing dog)Om Khagaya NamahaVishuddhi (throat)
6Hold – knees, chest and chin to the floorOm Pushne NamahaManipura (navel)
7Inhale- lift the head, neck and chest (cobra pose)Om Hiranyagarbhaye NamahaSwadhisthana (pelvic)
8Exhale – push back into downward facing dogOm Marichaye NamahaVishuddhi (throat)
9Inhale – left foot forward between the palms, look upOm Adityaya NamahAjna (third eye)
10Exhale – right foot forward, knees straight, bending forwardOm Savitre NamahaSwadhisthana (pelvic)
11Inhale – stretch arms out, up and backOm Arkaya NamahaVishuddhi (throat)
12Exhale – straighten up, palms in the prayer position, release the armsOm Bhaskaraya NamahaAnahata (heart)