How can I improve my quality of sleep?

We all know that adequate sleep is essential for the normal, healthy functioning of the body. Sleep affects our physical and mental health and good quality sleep is necessary for maintaining energy and alertness during the day. Sleep deprivation can make one drowsy and unable to concentrate the next day. Lack of sleep can make us lethargic, unmotivated, and unable to do our normal daily activities effectively.

Sleep like a baby
Sleep like a baby

Most of us go through experiences periodically when we have trouble falling asleep when we go to bed. There are other times when you happen to wake up in the middle of the night, either due to a dream, some noise, or just because you must go to the toilet, and then cannot go back to sleep. These episodes may represent minor sleep disorders or a serious case of insomnia.

Before discussing how we can improve the quality of sleep, I would like to briefly list some of the common causes of disturbed sleep (not in any specific order):

Let us look at ways to combat some of the above-listed causes and how we can improve the quality of sleep.

Sleeping dog
Sleeping dog

How to improve quality of sleep

Eat an early dinner

It is recommended that you finish your dinner about 3 hours before you go to sleep. If you have a late dinner, all the prana (vital life energy) is being used up for digestion, resulting in poor sleep.

Regulate your sleep and waking up hours

The body likes to follow a regular circadian rhythm. Try to go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time every day. Once you set this schedule, you will find that it becomes much easier to fall asleep when you go to bed. Also, you may set an alarm to wake up at the same time each day. You may give yourself the luxury of a little extra sleep on the weekend, but not beyond about half an hour.  If we have large variations in sleep and wake-up times, the body cannot adjust to a stable rhythm which results in disturbed sleep patterns.


Setting up the right environment for sleep

Here are a few guidelines on setting up an environment conducive for sleep:

Establishing a routine (ritual) before going to sleep

Setting up a routine that you follow daily before going to bed can help induce good sleep. Brushing your teeth, washing the face, doing a brief yoga routine (given below) etc. can be very helpful in falling asleep. Once you are in bed, avoid using any electronic gadgets, watching TV, or having a heated conversation with your partner. It is best to read a book or listen to some soulful, peaceful music that can help you fall asleep quicker.

Avoid long afternoon nap

If you need an afternoon nap, it is best to keep it short. The duration of the nap, of course, will depend on your own bodily needs. But long naps, in general, are known to disturb your nighttime sleep.

Avoid any kind of stimulant (coffee, tea, alcohol, etc.) too late in the evening

Stimulants like coffee, tea, and alcohol are known to cause sleep disorders. It is recommended that you don’t consume these items too late in the evening. My suggestion is to give about a four-to-five-hour gap between the consumption of these stimulants and your sleep time.

Medications: check with your healthcare provider

Many medicines are known to have side effects which can include disturbed sleep patterns. Moreover, when you are on multiple medications, interactions among medicines can also cause loss of sleep. You may need to check with your healthcare provider regarding the possible sleep impairment effect of your medications.

What if you have depression, anxiety, stress or any other mental or psychological issues?

While it is easy to control the external environment, as given above, how do you control the constant distractions going on in the mind in the form of anxiety, depression, stress, negative emotions like anger, hatred, guilt, remorse etc., stress about meeting an aggressive deadline at work etc.? As you will notice, each of these situations represents a state or condition of the mind. It is the mind which is feeling stressed out, depressed, guilty etc. What we need to recognize is the fact that all this is happening in “MY MIND”! Since we are talking about an entity that we possess, it is our responsibility to take adequate care of it so we can learn how not to let these emotions take charge of our mind.

This is where we can turn to the practice of yoga whose main purpose is to learn how to keep the mind calm even under the most trying circumstances.

You may recall that Patanjali defines yoga as “controlling the fluctuations of the mind” (yogash-chitta-vritti-nirodhah – sutra 1.2). Lack of self-control, falling an easy prey to the temptations of eating, late nights etc. all are nothing but fluctuations of the mind. Since by its very definition, yoga is supposed to help us keep the mind in a steady state most of the time, our tendency to over-indulge will automatically diminish if we practice yoga on a regular basis.

Establishing a daily yoga routine

As I have mentioned in previous posts, the practice of yoga must include all three components of an integrated yoga practice – asana (physical posture), pranayama (breathing practices) and meditation. I strongly recommend establishing a regular, daily yoga practice. To get started, you may like to join a yoga class at a studio near you. These days, you can pick from many online learning opportunities that are available. On my yoga blog here, I have given my recommendations for establishing a home yoga practice depending upon the time you can allocate for the practice. I encourage you to visit my youtube channel to get video instructions for various asana and  pranayama practices that you wish to include in your daily routine. I offer weekly, ongoing yoga classes as well as specialized early morning programs. Please visit the schedule page on my website for the current class schedule and other information about the programs that I offer.

Late evening yoga routine to help sleep better

If you wish to practice yoga as an aid to help you with sleep, you may want to practice it in the evening. You can either do it before dinner, or if you are an early dinner eater, you may do the yoga routine about 2.5-3 hours after the meals, but about half an hour before retiring to bed.

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